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nikita14.10 Auf diesen Beitrag antworten »
hallo habe keine ahnung von mathematik und hab ein grosses problem, ich besuche eine marketingschule und muss ein project abgeben, jedoch fehlt mir der mathematische teil, ich habe zwar mal probiert aber nichts besonderes ist bei rum gekommen, das schwierige ist das es auf englisch ist. Wäre sehr dankbar wenn mir hier jemand hilft Hilfe

The assignment for Mathematics consists of three parts.

1.The first part of this assignment has to do with "Calculations with money". We have learned that there are two major techniques to take into account the time-value of money:
The net present value method
The internal rate of return method
Assume that the introduction of the product in The Netherlands is likely to happen.
Make a spreadsheet (using Excel) that will provide the net present value, given the amount of money you will have to invest, the predicted cashflows (in Euros) and the moment these cashflows will be available. The spreadsheet has to be made in such a way that recalculation (with other amounts of money, other moments on which the cashflows will be available and a different discount rate) is possible.
Make a spreadsheet (using Excel) that will provide the internal rate of return using the trial and error approach, given the amount of money you will have to invest, the predicted cashflows (in Euros) and the moment these cashflows will be available.

2.The second part of this assignment is linked to the Economics part of the block. Find an economic issue that may have an effect on the introduction of the product in The Netherlands for instance inflation or exchange rates. You have to gather information about this issue and find out whether there is a relation between its size and an independent variable (for instance: time). Find the coefficient of correlation and find out whether there is a linear relationship between independent and dependent variable. Use both "The least squares method" and "The semi-average method" to find the equation of that linear relationship. Use Excel for the calculations. If your relationship is non-linear, use Excel to make a Scatterplot.

3.The third part of this assignment is linked to the Marketing part of the block. Suppose we have to know more about how people think of our product that we would like to introduce in The Netherlands. We are considering a pilot-study and want to get in touch with future consumers. The South of the Netherlands (Southern part of Limburg) has been chosen to do this study. We would like to perform this study in a cost-effective way. Some research has provided the following information:

Advertising medium
Number of potential buyers that can be reached
Costs per advertisement (in €)
Number of times available
TV during the day (local broadcast)
TV in the evening (local broadcast)
Limburgs Dagblad/ De Limburger
Limburgs Dagblad/ De Limburger; Saturday-edition
Advertising on local radio broadcast

There is a budget available of € 30,000. There have to be at least ten television commercials and no more than € 18,000 should be spent on television commercials. The number of potential buyers should be as big as possible.
Build the model that has to be solved using Linear Programming to find the best solution. Write down the model using a mathematical notation with objective function and constraints.
nikita14.10 Auf diesen Beitrag antworten »
RE: project
kommt schon wenigstens ein tip in die richtige richtung.
quarague Auf diesen Beitrag antworten »

wo genau liegt denn dein Problem?
der erste Teil ist reine BWL, ich hoffe mal, das du in den zugehörigen Vorlesungen eine Erklärung bekommen hast, wie deine beiden Methoden funktionieren.
Wenn du für den zweiten Teil dein Material nicht aus vorgegebenen Texten sondern algemein suchen sollst, ist das mehr eine Schreibaufgabe. Du musst dir ein schönes Beispiel suchen und die zugehörigen Zusammenhänge recherchieren.
Der letzte Teil ist ein klassisches lineare Optimierung Problem, und damit der einzige Teil wo wir als Mathematiker dir wirklich helfen können. Du musst zuerst deine ganzen Daten in geeigneten Gleichungen formulieren, danach wäre zum Beispiel das Simplexverfahren ein geeigneter Weg, das Optimum auszurechnen.
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